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Vol 2007 - 4-Shukray Khuda Kiya - Urdu

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By Luthfe Naqvi Posted about 17 years ago
4-Shukray Khuda Kiya
205 profile photo
Total Series: 4    Series Views: 38351
Karachi, Pakistan

Uploads In Nohey Series - Vol 2007

5,579 views     Added: Sun 11, Feb 2007     17 years ago
1-Yoon dil May karbala ko Download mp3 (988KB)
3,661 views     Added: Sun 11, Feb 2007     17 years ago
2-Tazkira Jab bhee Wafaa ka Download mp3 (849KB)
3,650 views     Added: Sun 11, Feb 2007     17 years ago
3-Farshay Aza pay jis nay Download mp3 (828KB)
3,364 views     Added: Sun 11, Feb 2007     17 years ago
3,455 views     Added: Sun 11, Feb 2007     17 years ago
5-Utra Faras Say lejay Download mp3 (1.2MB)
3,411 views     Added: Sun 11, Feb 2007     17 years ago
6-Azmo Himmath kay manazir Download mp3 (1.1MB)
3,470 views     Added: Sun 11, Feb 2007     17 years ago
7-Maa Nay Paala hai mujeh Download mp3 (1.1MB)
7,561 views     Added: Sun 11, Feb 2007     17 years ago
8-Likhee Hai Khoon ki kahani Download mp3 (1.2MB)
4,593 views     Added: Sun 11, Feb 2007     17 years ago
9-Abbas Ka Khabza hai Download mp3 (1.9MB)
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