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Dua E Mujeer Recommended On 13Th,14Th & 15Th Eve Of Every Month - Dua Al Mujeer Recommended For 13Th,14Th & 15Th Eve Of Every Month Especially Ramadhan - Arabic

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By Abuthar (Abuzar) Al Halawaji Posted about 9 years ago
This is a supplication of high eminence which is reported to have been brought by Angel Jibreel for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) when he was engrossed in prayers in Maqam-e-Ibrahim. Kafa'ami has reported this supplication in Baladul Amin and in Misbah. It is mentioned by him that the reward for the one reciting it during the nights of full moon (13th, 14th & 15th) of the Holy month of Ramadan, is that his sins are forgiven even if they are in such plenty as the drops of rain water, leaves of trees or sand of a desert. It is also very effective for the cure of the sick, fulfillment of debts, acquisition of wealth and relief from sorrows.
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Dua Al Mujeer Recommended for 13th,14th & 15th eve of every month especially Ramadhan Download mp3 (13.1MB)
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